Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Im a bird, get me out of here!!!

Sick to the fucking back teeth of my life at the minute!
First of all my boiler is STILL bastard broken, I've had to to fork out for excess on my insurance to pay for this boilery part thingy and now I'm waiting for a sodding engineer to arrange a time to come and fix it. Its been ages and I'm in work all day tomorrow and then I'm fucking off to Spain on Thursday so itl just have to stay broke until then. I did go and stay with my mum for a few days where she has heating and hot water but I just can't fucking live with the woman so I have come home once more to freeze to death in peace.
To add to my misery at the moment my fucking car has broken! The brakes where making a moody noise the other day so I did what any respectable girl with absolutely no time on her hands would do and ignored it to see if it went away. Well it didn't go away and tonight I very nearly caused a fucking pile up when my car seemed to have difficulty stopping. Had to basically swerve accross the road into my street (Luckily I was not far from my house) and roll home and had to walk, yes WALK down to the leisure centre with the baby for his swimming lesson which let me tell you in heels is not a fucking ideal situation especially when you have to walk back home again.
Was planning on going the gym tonight, I went last night but I haven't been able to go in weeks because been busy with stuff so I have really been feeling shitty about not going because it helps me wind down and clear my head and stuff and so of course couldn't fucking get to the gym either which makes me fuuuuume because I am not going to have time to go until after my holiday now. I am all over the gym when I get home. All fucking over it. I am never leaving the house ever again to go anywhere other than work or the gym for at least a month I have decided.
Of course I will have to get my car fixed now too. Another thing on my bastard list. So in the mean time I am going to have to walk to work in the morning, which is grim, it is even more grim because I have left my sodding phone charger at my mums meaning my phone / ipod may not even have any bastard fucking battery in the morning which means the walk will be tuneless ohhhh its grim just thinking about it. "Is your car not driveable" my best mate innocently asked me..."Oh its fine to drive" I said "no problem, its stopping it babe, thats where the issue lies. I could drive that fucker all day long but when those pedestrians start getting in the way then Im a bit screwed aren't I"
 They have moved my favourite gym class on a wednesday night from 6pm to 5.45 leaving me only 15mins to get from work to the gym and changed and stuff which I feel is a personal fucking insult to me (its not like but everything is all about me at the moment so I don't care). I am up the wall. And if one more fucking gobshite asks me if i've fucking packed yet I am going to punch them square in the jaw.
I can't wait to get on this holiday. Glorious alone time with my dream team soldiers is just what I fucking need. We are all in desperate need of a life debrief at the minute. God how the situation is different from this time last year. Last year both me and Suzie where in the throws off illicit affairs and Bianca was in love with a bloke with a cracking set of collarbones on him. And then I got laid in the most amazing shag to date (see sex on the beach blog....ahhh lets take a moment to remember the orgasms I didn't even fake) yes what a fucking DTR that was. amazeballs. So this year the first thing we will do is sit down and outline who's in love with who, who's got the biggest twat drama, and who's ended up in a and e twice with fuck related injuries....(sadly not me, not had so much as a paper cut never mind cracked ribs and an internal puncture but im not one to be jealous...sob)
Ordered a dominos before so I am a fat bastard now. All I can think about is chocolate though now. Cant drive to asda because my car is broke and I can't even walk over to the garage because I might see fucking carwash casanover in there wanting to know when he can next sweep me off my feet with offers of "do you wanna come to mine and watch the match".
Its pissing me off too that my blog has been infiltrated with a fair few people who know who I am which means I feel like I have got to be reserved in what I say. In fact it really is winding me up to the point I may well start another one!!!
Fuck this shit, Its been 6 weeks since I've been laid. The more observant among you will notice I have not blogged a shag or 2 in between the last one I told you about so I will keep you guessing with that one haha but I am starting to get a bit mad for it now and I would go as far as to say I need to get laid, properly, immediately. Preferably causing me some actual bodily harm in the process.....Andy was always good at that.... Fucks sake haha

@singlegalabto xxx

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