Monday, 31 December 2012

New year, new me

Yeah yeah I know it's a cliche but this year has been hands down the worst year of my entire life. Tragic deaths (plural) horrific mind fucking boyfriends, depression, ex boyfriends providing continued stress and in general it's just been awful. I don't know what I expect to happen come midnight tonight but psychologically I think I will feel better knowing the year of awfulness has finally finished.
That being said 2012 has provided me with a few highlights aswell. The night I spent In Doncaster with Andy was amazing, all be it yes we know he is a fucking arsehole but that night in donny was hot hot hot and I think that's where I started to fall for him. Ibiza with the girls was the best holiday iv had in years! Got laid twice while I was there too which is always a bonus. I discovered the joy of the gym where I also met and fucked a personal trainer - always a winner. I went to a swingers club for the first time so that was a nice change. Had a great holiday with my family in Portugal. I got sweet revenge on Andy for all his wrong doing. I met a lovely dude and had a bit of a 3week affair and I didn't put that much weight on over Xmas.
Yes the new guy - so basically he is missing presumed fucking someone else. Last I heard off him was about 3 days ago when I text him and asked him if he was coming round and he replied and said no he was washing his hair (or something as equally ridiculous) and so I said ok no probs and I haven't heard from him since!!!!!! So it is with deep regret I have had to pack his little overnight bag, put him on the boat and send him to the island of lost men. I am most upset about this as I really did like him but what choice do I have? I can't really text him can I because if he wanted to speak to me he would have text me. Well that's what I think anyway. So I haven't text him and he hasn't text me.
So what does @singlegalabto do in the situation where she has been shagged n swerved at fucking Christmas? She makes alternative fucking arrangements of course. Scanning through my facebook friends list for a new recruit is as easy as picking sweeties out of a sweetie shop and I have already lined up 3 replacements. Thing is though, none of these dudes excite me. I'm really getting to the stage where I would like a boyfriend now. I liked that dude and I am a bit gutted about the swervage situation because I think he genuinely was a nice lad and he made me laugh and stuff. Oh well. If nothing else he speeded up my recovery after Andy which can only be a good thing because I literally have absolutely no feelings for him now whatsoever. I believe everyone comes into ur life for a reason. Maybe that was the new guys reason, to get me over dickhead?? Who knows. What would you do?
Another thing that's happened this year is I finally have the confidence to cut people out of my life that bring me down! Before I was a total pushover and would let people treat me appallingly and get away with it. Now though, if u do anything to me I will just cut you free! Amazing how much carefree your life is when you don't have people in it who try and bring you down. Selfish self absorbed dickheads have all been culled this year and it really has made me so much happier. Made me wonder why I didn't do it sooner.
To summarise I have had a shit year, a lot of people died, a couple of boys tried to fuck with me, however I am still here and I am looking forward so much to next year free of dickheads. I wonder who I will fall in love with next? This time last year I didn't even know who Andy was. I wonder who I will fall in love with between now and next year. Because I can garantee you there will be someone there always is! I always think it's mad how things pop up out of the blue. This time last month I actually didn't even know who the new guy was and look how much I liked that one! Perhaps he'll throw the anchor down in his boat tonight and send me a happy new year text and it won't be's hoping....but if not iv got a boy toy, a 6ft fair haired dude and an older guy all chomping at the bit for me so I'm not going to lose any fucking sleep over it haha!!

Happy new year everyone xxx

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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