Wednesday, 12 September 2012

singlegalabto gets asked out on a date!!

So remember the dude from the garage? Well he's only bloody facebooked me and asked me out on a date hasn't he!

Oh dear blogettes what's a girl to do??!!! Part of me is apprehensive. I don't fair well with dates. I've only been 2 in my life, one of which was with what transpired to be a dwarf. He took me out to gusto in the Albert Dock and no word of a lie he leaned over and threw the lips on me in the middle of my spaghetti carbonara. Strike one. Then he text me loads and when I didn't reply to one message he said "your quiet today". Strike two. THEN when I replied and said I was in work and I was feeling like I had a cold he replied and said "poor baby xx" STRIKE THREE! SWERVED!!! Poor baby???!!! After one date??!!! no lad, call yourself a delta and be on your way. I don't mean an actual dwarf, I'm not as my friend Danielle called me "Bridget the midget lover" but, he was vertically challenged. I have a strict 5ft 10 threshold for potential boyfriends. I remember once shagging a 5ft 7 dude (well he said he was 5ft 7 I think he was more like 5ft 5) and he had me up against the wall and all I can remember thinking was "this is ridiculous I can see over the top of your head here".
The other date was with an old flame who got back in touch on facebook. Date was cool, had a couple actually. But then he invited me round to his for a candle lit dinner and I ended up having naughties with him and I had terrible shaggers remorse the next day and never rang him again. Sly on him. I'm a bitch.

So yeah anyway Car wash guy. He's called Paul, hes 26 an hes quite fit. Only thing is I think he may be a dwarf also. Its hard to tell, he stands up on a ledge behind that counter so he always appears taller than me, but I've just got a feeling. I seem to be a magnet for these little ankle biters. I've not had a chance to measure him yet but I'm guessing 5ft 9tops. I always used to fancy him years ago when I first moved here, but then I must have just forgot about him when I got in various relationships along the way. Maybe I can rekindle my hotness for him.

I did tell myself I would give myself a break from men. However it would be nice to have a boyfriend! Not a shit boyfriend that never makes time to see you or lies to you or shags about behind your back and thinks you dont know, or tells you "You're not at the top of my priority list at the moment" - any prizes for guessing what that was ha! But an actual boyfriend that thinks your bloody boss. My friend Suzie said to me "You need a man that gets you, like your mates get you". This is true. Where are these men haha!!!

My friends are all very eager for me to go on this date. They are all still a bit secretly fuming with me for wasting so much time and energy on Andy bloody Pinochio wreckhead down south. This could be the perfect way to move on...or at least be a welcome distraction for the moment. Feeling really emotional today as I am sure we all our on merseyside what with the terrible coach crash that killed 2 of our own and with the hillsborough announcements today. Life is really too short to be dwelling on the shit.

Very low tolerance level for drama at the moment too. Had yet more provocation from someone spoiling for a row. So i've had no choice but togo on the swerve. I won't go into it, but its wierd. There was a time when such nonsense would have enraged me to the point where I would have to send a barrell load of abuse and start a major kick off. But now I feel like I really just can't be arsed! If I send a kick off message, this person is only going to kick off back, and then I might end up upset!!! Fuck that. Best just delete all contact methods and forget all about them. This has been a lesson I have learned this year. Some people just need to be cut out of your life. And once they are gone, rather than it being sad, its like a breath of fresh air! Or maybe I just didn't care enough in the first place. I won't be losing any fucking sleep over it anyway! No one there to wreck your head or upset you with moody comments! Boom they are gone annoying someone else! Insecurity is do you like me. Confidence is, do I like you. I don't like anyone who is a fucking bell whiff. Therefore if you are a bell whiff, and you want to be a tit, then go ahead, knock yourself out!

So what is the general consensus then? Shall I go out with him or what? I've not replied yet. But I am thinking unless something very drastic happens (ie the love of my life appearing out of nowhere with interflora's entire stock and declaring undying love) then I probably going to go.

Answers on a postcard - should @singlegalabto go out with the garage dude?? x x x

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