Sunday, 16 September 2012


Right, thats it, I'm quitting smoking! Again!

Only gone and signed up for Stoptober haven't I! For those of you who don't know what this is, its an initiative run by the nhs encouraging everyone to quit smoking for 28 days during October. It is thought that if you can do that you will quit for good.

Myself and ciggies have a long history together. I started smoking when I was 15. Not through peer pressure, not through trying to look cool, I genuinely woke up one morning and fancied a bifta. I quit when I was 22 for 3 years and started again when I was going through a lot of stress at work. Quit again about a year later when I had a really heavy cold and decided might aswell just carry on not smoking. Started smoking again around 18months ago when I split up from a knobhead and have been on 20 a day ever since. So I know I can do it kids, I've done it before!

Difference is last 2 times I quit it was more because I was physically unable to. First time I was preg and it made me feel sick therefore that was easy. Last time I was ill so by the time I was well again I had already done 2 weeks and so the hard part was over. This time however, this time I am only doing it for money reasons so I imagine it will be a lot harder. My mum is always on at me for quitting. She doesn't seem to to grasp that it is an ADDICTION. Its like saying to a fat person "why don't you just stop eating then you fat cunt look at the size of ya"...its not that simple. Their bodies are telling them they need food. Mine is telling me it needs a ciggie. And the cravings are as strong as the craving for food I would say.

So because I know its going to be tough this time I have asked my mum to buy me a skycig electric ciggie to help me. Half of my addiction is the hand to mouth action I reckon. And the inhaling. Know what my mum said? No word of a lie
"Oh I don't know about that, you don't know what sort of rubbish is in that skycig who knows what you would be putting into your body"
Is she actually fuckin messin?
Said to her mother whatever it is it can't be worse than fucking ciggies can it. She relented and is buying me the cig.

So heres the plan of action. I have been a 20 a day smoker for a while. The last couple of days I have cut down to 10 a day which has been TOUGH but doable. I am going to reduce down to 7 a day on Wednesday and then go to 5 a day next week and then hopefully by the time 1st October comes I will be able to go cold turkey.

The other reason for doing this (aside from the fact I really can not afford 200quid a month) is this is what I have chosen for my "how can I better myself after a bellend". - This is my own initiative which I tend to do after I have escape a shitty relationship. When it all finished with pregnant shagging Chris I went and got my boobs done. When Mark "I can't handle the pressure of you writing on my facebook wall" decided to fuck off, I learned to drive. When Andy shagged off with that bird in March I joined the gym. And now he has fucked off once more I will quit smoking. Always helps me in my recovery period to be aiming towards being a little bit more boss.

Now my one concern is how much weight am I going to put on during this quitting phase. Therefore I am also going to make a point of upping my gym going and eating more healthy. I will not become a fat twat in the name of quitting smoking. No fucking way.

So I've signed up, my quit kit is on the way, my mother is buying me the skycig, the cutting down has commenced and there is nothing else to say except WISH ME LUCK!!!

@singlegalabto xxx

PS will probably be a moody bastard for the month of October just FYI x

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