So as you may have gathered from my little twitter fumage last night, I had fucking right titty lip on and it was all because of...ANDY!!!!!!!!!
Don't even ask me why I was speakin to him but he said I was "like a cancer" and referred to my son as "that fucking wierd kid of yours"
Now I have to say the whole like a cancer comment didn't bother me all that much because he is generally a cunt and therefore I don't care what he thinks of me, but what sort of warped twisted piece of shit slags off a 5 year old child please? I felt sick with rage. I actually do believe if I had been near him I could have quite easily stabbed him to death with a big fuck off knife and I am not saying that to be dramatic I really did feel so sick and angry by that fucking comment I could have happily murdered him and whatsmore I would have thoroughly enjoyed it.
It was like a red mist of rage had come down over me. I was ready to bounce down to his house and start fucking shit up. I was in shock and awe at the level of cuntness being displayed by this prick that I just couldn't gather my thoughts as to what would be the best way destroy him slowly and painfully.
I had a kit kat and mulled it over.
Decided that whilst pre-meditated murder would probably have satisfied my need to harm him, it probably wasn't worth doing time over. I also couldn't message him back as I had deleted all his number and messages in my fit of rage after sending some half arsed your a gobshite message back. I was feeling so pissed off that I hadn't thought of something decent to say in time and he was well and truly winning left right and centre. Offensive.
Decided to have a chat with the one person guaruntee to cheer you up in a situation like this.
Your dramatic gay mate.
"The little smelly cunt" was Allans reaction
"I know" I said, "Sweaty, fat wonky toothed, adhd, drug addict little rat"
"See so just ditch the bitch! leave him to his meaningless shags and his pathetic little non entity of a life, From what you have told me he was genuinely a fuckin LOSER"
"I really wanna tell him that he's a bad cunt" I said
" tell him his dad's Jimmy Saville an as a dead man he can Fix it for you beyond the grave better than he ever could with his one inch pinch the smelly grock! " was Allans reply. He really does have a way with words that boy.
I decided to own up to the severity of the situation by sending Allan a link to Andys facebook page so he could see for himself what fucking mess he actually was.
Allan: "i cant see his pics properly but thes one I can see he looks like a fuckin holy show... wtf, skateboy?... Ang on, how old's he? absoloute first class wanker!!!
ya can tell by his pics he thinks hes a teenager"
Me: "yeah right all his new mates are pure kids yeah skater boy hes 25 an his mates are about 15-182
Allan "you shock me"
"what were u doin with that"
Me "i know its bad isnt it2
Allan "very bad"
"were u feelin okay?"
Me "no!"
"he ordered a gram to sit and watch newsnight once"
Allan "LOL cringe on him! seriously
no hoper"
So we decided that while it was probably better to be the bigger person and just walk away from the situation, I really was so upset by the attack against my child that a cheap shitty message in his direction would make me feel an awful lot better!! As I had already got him to block me on facebook the other month and I had deleted all his numbers etc I had no way of doing this. Luckily, Allan was on hand to step in!
"oh it hasnt got the option to message only subscribe or add friend, I promise u
hang on
ive added him LOL
when he accepts WATCH LAD"
Me "ohhhh fuckin hell! yano what else is offendin me eyeballs? hes a 25 conservative voter white male from grimsby....why does he keep referring to everything as "sick"? x
Allan: "tryna fit in wid da boyssss!!! DAT IS SICK BOIII!!! fat ming x"
We sat an had a gab for a bit when Allan said "hes rejected the request LOL"
Not to worry, I said, he's got a page set up for his imaginary skate company hes created, we'll just write on that wall!!! Allan had a secret facebook he'd made to stalk ex's so he logged in on that an posted on the wall of the page and then then had a look on his own profile!! Proper pathetic kids we were, I was fucking loving it!!
Allan "OOer the post has gone and I swear down on my nieces life I didn't delete it. He must have."
Me "shut uppppppp
Allan "have a look if its there I cant see it"
Me"no i cant see it!!! did u write it on the actual wall of the page?! haaaaa!!!! xx"
Allan "yeah I wrote it on the wall an see at the side where it's got the list of wallposts? it was there a second ago. He's deleted it he must have xx
oh am gonna log back into the other profile to see if hes messaged it LOL xx"
Me "hahahaha abrilliant|!!!!!! x
Allan now on his other profile "wtf i cant see it xx"
Me: "can you cope?! coz i cant!!!! xx"
Allan "haha can't cope wont cope! xx"
it might show up soon I dunno. I can see the other posters messages but not mine!! xx
Me "haaaaa funnyyyyyy oh i dont get it. Just message to the page and then wel call it a night ay"
So thats what he did. We sent a stupid childish low blow insulting message to a gobshite. Amount of childish patheticness of the action? 100million. Amount of Fucks given: 0 So he can take his wonky teeth and his drug addiction and his adhd and his skates and actually go and fuck off.
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