If you read my blog yesterday you know I am occupying myself with an oilrigger, an old flame and a boy toy.....and a partridge in a pear tree.
Seen the old flame today. And do you know I think iv gone off him a bit. Doesn't seem as exciting as it was the first time around....in fact he was sort of doing my swede in. We chatted for a bit and he did the usual flirty tickling and messing with my hair but I am telling you now there was not the remotest hint of a party in my pants. Think I'm going to have to swerve him. Mind you saying that I perhaps shouldn't be too hasty as the aim of the operation is to cobble together a satisfying and fullfilling distraction until the love of my life comes and sweeps me off my feet and therefore I shouldn't be so quick to discard such an experienced and sizeable (if a little dull) cock.
The dude that is providing the majority of the excitement at the moment is the sexual sink breaking stallion that is the oil rigger. This morning I awoke to the following what's app:
Hey gorgeous. How's you today? Looking stunning in your picture. I love it. So you got much planned today? Xx
Now this is what ya like to see, the dude is ticking boxes on numerous levels. Firstly, a text in the morning, this makes me feel wanted and appreciated, next he's telling me I'm gorgeous, yes yes yes again always a fan of flattery. He goes on to tell me he loves my what's app pic, again this makes me feel spesh, and the he asks me what I'm up to giving the impression that he gives a fuck. Well done oil rigger, full fucking marks there. Not only are horny memories of our passionate fucking now in the forefront of my mind but you are also giving the impression you Care a little bit which is most definitely a plus point.
Back when out brief encounter happened years ago, communication on the oil rigs was not the best, there is no phone signal and the Internet was shit so I got the occasional email every couple of weeks and because of that we ended up not speakin very often. Now however I am delighted to discover that things have progressed and they can now wi fi and what's app out there. Excellent news for a young girl in need of adoration from afar. That's just it though, the likelyhood of me actually getting a grip of this dude again are slim, but never say never 4 years on he still thinks I'm hot...
The little boy toy has been a bit quiet today I suspect he's been out and got pissed, may drop him a little text later to see if he fancys a goosing next week on the provision that my boiler is fixed.
I had forgotten how easy this single lark could be. Got a little bit boring since the beginning of the year, a little bit calm, a little bit normal. Fuck that, the winter is approaching and I am having some reckless, selfish and downright filthy fun which is waaaaaay overdue. Yes I would like to be loved up and shit, but in the stark absence of a love affair a girls got to fucking eat. I refuse point blank to make any apologies for the randy mare that I am either!.
Ohhhh just had a text from the boy toy god love him. Iv dived straight in with the filth and came back with "your learning x"
So I said "listen, if we end up hooking up it will be you getting the fucking education"
And he said " I'll make sure I'm top of the class xx"
Fucking is right!!!! A young impressionable 22year old who I can train up exactly how I want !! Old enough to know his way around a fanny but not too old he's stuck in his bad habits and refuses to respond to instructions!! Don't you just fucking hate it when men watch porn and think that's what's meant to happen in sex? Iv had a dude on more than one occasion thinking it was absolutely horny as hell to stick his tongue actually inside me while he was going down on me. And Im lying there thinking seriously mate what the fuck are you doing. You've seen the size of your tongue, you've seen the size of your cock. How do you honestly expect your tongue to hit my g spot. Unless you are secretly a lizard and are going to project some sort of super long tongue out at some point. Clitoris. Tongues are for the clitoris. Tit.
Had a distinct oral sex drowt of late. Which is a shame because its my absolute favouritest way to orgasm. If you can make me come while going down on me straight away and I don't have to fake it then I'm basically marrying you and that's the end of it.
Just asked the boy toy if he's into anything filthy. Iv got everything crossed that he is haha. Thing with this boy toy is iv got a feeling he wants to be dominated which is not really my thing however this could bode well for my training course I want to give him so wel just have to wait and see.
He's just text me back after I clarified what I meant by filthy and I think he's literally just jizzed all overhimself.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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