Monday, 21 January 2013

Mind Games or Retard?

I am burdened with something of a cob on dear readers.

In all the excitement of this weeks blog controversy you may have forgotten that I was in fact half seeing half not seeing the new dude. Those that can dimly recall the new dude may or not remember that he was being somewhat flakey and I was coming to the conclusion he was a cunt. I had packed his bag and put him on the boat to the island of lost men, he had disembarked, he had floated back, and was at the last blog sort of drifting aimlessly in shallow waters.
I had asked him what was occuring round about the beginning of the month and he had told me he was busy going away with family or something for the first week and a bit. He went away with the family, I didn't text him, he didn't text me. I assumed I probably wouldnt hear from him again so imagine my surprise when I get a text off him on his arrival back home. We chatted a bit and that was that. Then on Monday I text him saying are we going out again or what?!!! AND HE DIDN'T REPLY.

Naturally I assumed he was dead

When I noticed him online on whatsapp yesterday and realised he was in fact alive and kicking and had just ignored me, I was almost offended. The only possible conclusion I could draw from this is "No we are not going out again, you are now released to fuck someone else"

So I went about my business.

Then this afternoon 3 fucking days after I text him that, I saw him. So I did what any normal self respecting girl would do when she finds her self face to face with the dude that ignored her text....I looked away and walked passed him. So then about 15 minutes later he texts me asking me if I am avoiding him!!!!!!!!!!! Now the inner quick to react quick to snap devil in me almost replied "Fucking yes I am avoiding you you ignorant bastard what do you think I am going to do after you have just blatantly ignored me?!!!!" but on quiet reflection I thought that is probably not the way to go. I don't necessarily want to fall out with the dude but I am royally miffed at the no repliance. Its pig fucking ignorance more than anything else.

So I mulled it over for a bit and then I sent " I think its you avoiding me"

Well that was at 5pm we are now on half 10 and the fucking bellend hasn't replied. Why fucking text me asking me if im avoiding him and then not fucking reply to my response?!! If you are going to fuck off, stay fucked off!!! I don't understand what the dude is on here seriously. If he doesn't want to see me again and then bumps into me, why fucking text me?! The leg work has already been done he has not replied to the message. Why spoil all his hard grafted for swervage texting me? Does he think we are going to have some sort of friend situation?? What do I want an ignorant swerving pillock as a friend for?!! No I am fucking annoyed now, im not too bothered about him not replying on Monday, if he doesn't want to see me again then fair enough thats up to him, but don't fucking text me something like that and then ignore my reply. If you are going to ignore me then surely you want me to be avoiding you therefore you shouldnt have text me!!!!!

So I have just text him again about 20mins ago saying "Why text me asking me if your avoiding me and then ignore my reply" he came back and said some shit about how he wasn't avoiding me bla bla bla and that he had just been really busy. Whatever. Still don't understand what he's texting me for, he quite clearly doesn't want to be forthcoming in arranging to see me again and in this scenario miladdo it's either your fucking me or you've fucked off there is no grey area I'm not a fucking penpal either arrange to see me and do the business or stop fucking bothering me!!!!

I have called time on this pissing about I am no longer interested. He must have gone off me overnight which i guess means he is seeing someone else as per! fuck that! I want to be adored! Simple as that! Flowers delivered to me at home or at work, excitement, hot dates, hot sex, respectful yet powerful.....I need a MAN and i am fed up of boys!!!

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