Tuesday, 22 January 2013


I am opening myself up here to abuse from bellends however we all know I love a little bit of controversy so who gives a fuck hehe.

What is a slag?

I have always been different to other people. I never see myself as different but when you compare me to all of my friends etc i do tend to be seen as a little bit wild. I am fiery, gobby, quick tempered, i take risks, I enjoy going on adventures, I will take my life off on a tangent as and when I see fit, if I look back 3 years I am always in a completely different place to where I was 3 years before. Different job, different hair, different life, different people. I find people quite often don't get me, don't understand what I am about and because of this, and of course because i am single female who thoroughly enjoys being ruined I have come to accept I will occasionally be labeled a slag. But is that a fair label? And what exactly is the definition of a slag?

A slag to me is someone that will shag anyone to try and get them to like her and often finds herself used and depressed as her jizz guzzling antics do not find her love. She will fuck your boyfriend, even if she is your friend, if there are a couple of cocks available in one evening she will more than likely bounce on both. Loose morals, low income, that sort of thing.

Even in writing that I do not think that is the true definition. In fact I have concluded the term "slag" simply means " I wish to be rude about your sex life as I don't like you and unfortunately i have not been able to think of another legitimate insult to use in the short time I have had available"

It is therefore in my opinion safe to assume that if someone ever does use the term slag to insult someone, they are probably at the simple end of the spectrum.

I am trying to recall the last time I called someone a slag and I honestly can not remember. It is, in my humble opinion, a redundant insult in this day and age and I would feel a little bit silly using it.

I find it strange if people ever call me a slag because there are so many more insults that would more suitably fit the bill! I have come to realise that only thick people use the term slag. nevertheless we are surrounded by thick people all the time and it is impossible to avoid them. So what does one have to do to avoid being called a slag? Stop having sex? No fucking chance. I am single. The reason I am single is because I haven't come across anyone that is taking my fancy at the minute and the ones that I have liked have transpired to be turnips. Also I don't actually have that much sex! This is what always startles me if people call me a slag.... Don't you have to be getting fucking laid to have that title?!! I have not had sex since Christmas and currently have nothing on the horizon. Well, that's not strictly speaking true I do have a small glimmer of absolute filth winking at me but that's another tale. To wear the title of slag with honour I would expect to be getting laid at least a few times a week but that is just not the case! All be it that is probably my own fault I have been very busy with work and the gym lately to be looking fora replacement cock but still!
I guess the other thing I could do would be to not be so open but again this fucking pisses me off, we are not Victorian, we don't have to hide away who we are any more! I am who I am and I'm not ashamed !!!
I think that's about all I have to ramble on about there. Slag is a non descript insult and means fuck all so if you hear of someone calling you a slag in the future (for rest assured it is unlikely they will say it to your face - presumably because they know deep down they are retarded) assume they are special and aren't quick to think of anything substantial. And ignore them, don't reward stupidity with communication, thats what supernanny says anyway hahaha xxx


  1. loved that blog! very true and well done to you for having the courage to reinvent yourself when you see fit. 'Slag' really is an insult used by the truly moronic.

  2. Why thank you, yes I do enjoy a good change every couple of years! And yes isn't it just. Xxx
