I completetly forgot to mention this but this has been annoying me for a few days now,
I made a critical schoolgirl error of telling the lad from work about this blog ages ago. I didn't tell him the page address or anything but I did copy and paste a bit out of it and sent it to him. Thought nothing of it. Thought he would read it and forget all about it.
This transpires to have been a rather naive assumption. He did not forget all about it. In fact what he did was he googled what I had sent him, located my blog and has been has been conducting what can only be described as STEALTH FUCKING BLOG SURVEILLANCE ever since.
This irritates me immensely, mostly because after coming clean about this (what I consider to be) gross act of stalking he labelled me
Now I freely admit this unfounded and rather hurtful insult did come after around a week and a half of my sending him angry whatsapps/ignoring him in work/my calling him a helmet however I have mulled it over and yes I think I would say I am offended.
Could have gone with over emotional, could have chosen doormat, could even have played the slut card....but no...."weird"
I don't even fucking know how to spell "weird"....is it "wierd"? Whatever
My strong dislike towards him (due to him getting drunk and announcing that he had been knocking a slice off me and then being genuinely oblivious as to why that would piss me off) has subsided this week, I believe I may now be calmer. The thing is, he has no hope of understanding the complexity of women....let alone the complexity of me because, added to the obvious disadvantage of being male, he also has a birthday so close to the 90's it rather makes my eyes water.
The more I think about my view of the world as a young whippersnapper myself, the more I can see his perspective. Not only does this prove that he should probably stick to fucking girls his own age, this beautifully demonstrates that I need to face facts, I am 28 years of age, I do not think like a whippersnapper, and more importantly, whippersnappers do not think like me. Although surely it is obvious that telling people in work about our little overtime sessions where going to be at least frowned upon especially when it was distinctly specified that this was to be kept on the, and I quote "very very very downlow".
The blog has frightened the poor little whippersnapper. I am sure of it.
You see heres the thing. As you are all aware I outed dear Andy on here, I documented his downfall and mocked him all over the show. What I probably didn't mention was that when I wrote the revenge is sweet blog, I text him the link along with a screenshot of the zillions of page views it had had and bascially said haha fuck you. I was therefore conscious that he would have been reading this and have probably written quite a lot of the subsequent ones with that in mind.
Cue a nosey young lad armed with google to come stumbling across my ramblings, conclude he has shagged a crazy bird who wants to marry him (I think this is whats happened, to be honest iv forgotten what I have written and i cant be bothered/face looking) and caused him to do the early 20's standard reaction of withdraw from the situation by behaving like a complete arse!! And who can blame him. This is the crux of the matter. This is why I am so fucking pained to see him. Because I think that HE thinks that I was more into it than what I was, and that fucking pisses me off so fucking much it is unfucking true!!!
Hang on. You know (and use) words like "Whippersnapper" , but can't spell "weird"? :o)