So last night after a pretty decent day all round I was sitting in bed with my family size galaxy and all was well.
Then Andy text..."we need to have a chat"
I felt sick, shaking, angry, horrid. Was this the dumping text/phonecall that I was expecting on Friday?? I rang my mate for some moral support. I really didn't want to have this chat whatever it was. I have concluded myself the relationship is over...even though I don't want it to be. It had been 2 days since the Friday we need to have a chat scenario. Surely the easiest thing to do now if he wanted to end it would be to just never contact me again. I was at a point where I was scared of my own fucking phone.
I decided I would text back..."ok"
I sat down at the kitchen table with 20 lambert and butler, a bottle of smirnoff and waited for the emotional rollercoaster conversation that would probably put me past sleep.
Now seriously this isn't a rethorical question and feel free to tweet me your views on this @singlegalabto I am genuinely asking you. WHAT. THE FUCK.
Is he deliberately trying to fuck with my mind?? Is he sitting at home laughing thinking hahahaha she'll be sat there now expecting me to chat to her and explain to her whats going on. Naaaaa lets keep her on the edge.
Is he mental? Do you think he's forgotten he told me we were to have a chat and is blissfully unaware of my heartache?
Does he just not know what to say? If so, why isn't he changing his number and never speaking to me again like a normal cunt?
what is it?
I went to bed about 11pm and still no text this morning. I have gone against my better judgement here and texted him again:
"Ok so thats twice you have said we need to talk now and so far no chat has materialised. Am I supposed to be starting the chat? If so I have no idea what to say"
I went about my business and about 2 hours later he replied and said " I will call you tonight". So here we are again with the waiting for the dumping phonecall. This is becoming a bit of a joke now isnt it.
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