Friday, 20 July 2012

I got Personal Trainers to the left of me, Andys to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with A COB ON

Fuuuuuckin hell what an afternoon! This morning I was awoken at 5am to Andy ringing me ever so excited, he was at the cinema waiting for an early doors screening of the new batman film. Proper decent start to your day getting woken up by batman enthusiasts. Wasn't impressed.
Anyway I went back to sleep and then went off to work before coming home to deal with the Personal Trainer who, over the last few days, has become something of a gobshite.

What's happened is obviously I had to tell him I would no longer be shagging him as I was back with my ex boyfriend. He seemed alright with it, after all, it was he who had stated we were never going to have a relationship etc... Then a few weeks ago he told me he was leaving the gym and setting up his own business doing boot camps in the parks etc. "But what about the rest of my sessions??!!" I said. Don't worry, he said, I'll still be a member of the Gym so I can still come in to train you. Sound I thought, and didn't worry about it.
THEN the other week he text to say he could see me at 7pm in the park! Errrr park? Do I look like the outdoors type to you? No son, GYM I said....and it was then that things started to get messy. He told me if I wanted the rest of my 7 sessions that I was booked for I would have to go to the fucking park to have them!!! So I said hang about there flower, I don't want to go to the park. Aside from the fact its pissing it down, its cold and muddy and there might be bugs about, its miles out of my way, there are no shower facilities and not the same level of equipment and in general unless I could have rest of sessions in the gym as arranged then I would no longer be continuing with the sessions.
Well all hell broke loose! He started texting me telling me I still owed him the money for the sessions I wouldn't be having and I was to send him 235quid or else he was going to sue me! And it was obvious what sort of a person I was! And that he had just punched a wall due to another crap client (meaning me)! All manner of shit!!! So he said I still owed him some money for the sessions we had already had which I worked out to be 50quid. I sent him this 50quid today and text him to tell him. He then sent me a text back saying that unless I sent him 235 quid he will be taking me to court!!!! I rang my solicitor friend and showed her the contract and here is the legal advice I have received:
"There is no termination clause and he doesn't say the location can change. If there is no termination clause and there is a fundamental change ie change of location then you have the right to terminate. Tell him to go and sit on a dildo"
So thats exactly what I did. Apparently I will be receiving some sort of letter in the post in the next few days about how he is taking me to court. Is it just me, or is anyone else thinking this might all be because I won't shag him any more?
While all this was going on Andy rang, He already knew I'd been having problems with the PT and so I told him the latest shit and told him I why I thought it was.
"What? you've shagged your PT????? This is over, don't ever speak to me again"
Is he actually fucking shitting me here?? We wernt even together!! Plus I've already told him Id been the swingers club with him, he must just have forgotten that I said it was with the PT.... Whaaaaaat the fuck anyway I just don't know what to say! So I did the whole you can't be mad at me for something that happened before we were together but he's got a right old cob on and reckons we are over. Now between you and me kids I havent got the fucking patience for this. AND he owes me 70quid because he used my ebay to buy something last week. Reckons he;ll put the money in my account on Monday.
Shall we have a little wager here? Who thinks he's gonna play silly buggers over the money just so as I have got to contact him?? I do
So now I'm in the position where my PT is suing me and my boyfriend has dumped me for shagging my PT before we were together. I've got dudes in prams throwing their toys out at me left right and centre here. Its beyond a joke. So I've gone out and bought a big bag of doritos dippas with salsa and sour cream, a massive dairy milk and a bottle of rose. Fuck this for a game of soldiers!!!

@singlegalabto xxx

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